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Five Keys to a Great Mentoring Relationship


Why is Mentoring so Important?

Great mentoring is important for all of us and should benefit everyone involved in a mentorship relationship. No matter who you are or what you do, it’s important to surround yourself with people who can speak into your life, specifically if you’re looking to grow.

For leaders and organisations that are looking to grow their leadership whether personally or professionally, mentoring can be extremely beneficial. Often, what is most needed for a company or organisation to grow is for the senior staff to keep growing.

When leaders get consumed with doing at the cost of being, cracks begin to appear in their lives which can manifest in all manner of physical, psychological, and emotional glitches. Mentoring helps to perceive emerging problems, grow from them, and become better people and leaders.

Mentoring helps us to understand ourselves, which is vital in leading other people. We all have blind spots and it often takes an objective outsider to help us...

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  • Walk away with 6 keys to unlocking a great mentoring relationship
  • Learn from Paul's 30+ years of mentoring experience
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