I am sharing this traumatic experience in the hope it helps anyone who can relate to be curious about your own trauma and continue to heal and grow from your own negative life experiences. ππΌ
We all have things in our childhood, I want to encourage you to go and sit with those memories that will help give you a key to your recovery and moving on.
Your life matters, and you can break generational patterns - and commit to do the work.

The Global Pandemic of Poor Fathering Has Been Left Untreated For Far Too Long.
It’s Time We Step Up & Become the Much Needed Cure.
An Ebook By Paul Scanlon
WAS £29.95 - NOW £7.00!
Too many men have been raised by absent or emotionally and physically detached, unloving fathers. It takes a great deal of strength and courage to vow to do better than what was done to us. It takes an even greater deal of commitment to learning how to unlearn from our fathers.
Fatherhood is continuously evolving with societal and traditional values, but future generations deserve better than a regurgitation of our fathers' limited standards for us to follow. The father you are today will have a significant impact on how future generations raise their children. If we want to raise outstanding children, we need to be outstanding fathers.
In this revised edition of I Am Not My Father, Paul Scanlon shares his deeply moving personal experience of being raised by an absent father to demonstrate how we can grow and use the hurt our fathers caused us to reinvent fatherhood for the better.
Get Your Ebook & Audibook!
Forty-five years ago, I began to say to myself,
‘I Am Not My Father,’
and twenty years ago I began to say it out loud.
I found my ‘NO’ voice,
my “NOT ON MY WATCH’ voice,
my ‘I AM NOT MY FATHER’ voice.
And I want you to find yours too.
- Paul Scanlon
I Am Not My Father By Paul Scanlon

I Am Not My Father Ebook
Audio book read by Paul Scanlon (1.5hrs)
Pdf - Question's I'd Ask My Dad
WAS £29.95 NOW: £7.00!
What this book will bring to your life:
- Learn to move past your childhood trauma to ensure a better future for generations to come.
- Develop the courage to stand up for yourself and speak your truth.
- A blueprint for giving your child what you never had, developed from hard-won wisdom.
- Learn how to create personal boundaries with your parental figures and establish a healthy and autonomous parenting style.
- Identify how your childhood shows up in your parenting and learn how to manage and overcome it.
- Insight into how to forge a new path for yourself and your family.
- An exploration into how to overcome the defence mechanisms you’ve built up since childhood to become the most effective and loving parent possible.
Who this book is for:
- Parents who haven’t healed from their childhood trauma, particularly if that trauma is related to their relationship with their father.
- Anyone conscious that their childhood upbringing and current relationship with their parents negatively impacts their life and parental skills.
- Anyone struggling with confronting their past and initiating necessary changes in their parenting style.
The day my life changed was not when my circumstances changed, but the day I said to myself, ‘I am not my father’.
That single powerful thought was the beginning of a new life.
The actions that I took next were small and seemingly insignificant. But they were the corresponding small actions to my big idea of escaping my negative past.
- Paul Scanlon